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What Will Schedule III Mean for Cannabis?

Originally aired: May 8th at 12pm CST

In late April, the Associated Press reported that the Drug Enforcement Administration will move to reclassify cannabis to Schedule III, sending the industry and cannabis stocks soaring. 

But what will this new classification mean for cannabis consumers and the cannabis industry? 

In this on-demand Rootwurks webinar, you can hear economist, business analyst, and general cannabis policy wonk Andrew Livingston of the cannabis law firm Vicente LLP discuss what it will mean for the cannabis industry now that Schedule III reclassification is happening - and what work for legalization remains to be done.

About this Webinar

The possibility of reclassification has been a bright spot for a cannabis industry that has been roiled by over-saturation, falling prices, and shrinking profit margins in recent years. 

And while reclassification falls short of actual federal legalization, it should still have a major impact on the economics of the cannabis industry.

In this on-demand Rootwurks webinar, Andrew Livingston of the cannabis law firm Vicente LLP discusses what the move to Schedule III will mean for cannabis, and why it has been such big news for the industry.

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Who Can Benefit?

The legal status of cannabis has a major impact not only on anyone who has faced criminal proceedings involving a marijuana charge but also the entire cannabis industry. This webinar will benefit cannabis professionals and consumers who are interested in learning what impact the move to Schedule III will have - and what it does and doesn’t do for the legal status of cannabis. 

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Viewers will gain expert insight on:

  • What rescheduling will mean for the taxes cannabis companies pay
  • What the different schedule levels mean
  • How much more profitable could cannabis companies be if rescheduling happens
  • When Schedule III reclassification will go into effect 
  • How the news of possible reclassification has affected cannabis markets  
  • Will rescheduling make it easier for companies to secure funding 
  • Does rescheduling pave the way for legalization
  • How rescheduling falls short of full legalization
  • And more!

Meet Your Speakers

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Andrew Livingston - Director of Economics & Research | Vicente LLP

Andrew Livingston is based in Vicente Sederberg's Denver office, where he serves as the firm's director of economics and research. In this role, he assists clients with developing and expanding their enterprises across cannabis markets nationally and internationally. Andrew has spent his entire career studying cannabis markets, first working alongside the VS team in 2012 on the historic campaign to pass Amendment 64, which legalized marijuana for adults in Colorado.

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Hosted by Rootwurks

Rootwurks is an e-learning and risk management company built by a team of experts with more than 100 years of combined knowledge and experience in compliance and safety training. After many years spent in senior roles at one of the largest food safety training companies in the country, our founders launched Rootwurks and built the Rootwurks Learning Experience Platform (LXP) to help companies navigate the complex and crucial safety and compliance demands in industries as varied and challenging as cannabis and food.